I have written this article to describe a 3 step method to quickly and easily find the best Udemy Courses.
I use Udemy’s eLearning platform quite extensively. I am always looking for the best selling and top courses on Udemy. Who wouldn’t? Udemy is one of the best online learning platform and provides an excellent value for the money. It provides courses for all age groups. You can buy $200 value courses at a heavy discount; for as little as $10. Moreover, these courses have a lifelong access.
I believe, there is nothing better than Udemy if you are looking for good quality courses at a reasonable price.
Now the problem is (or is it an opportunity?) that Udemy offers plethora of courses on wide variety of topics. At the time of writing this article, it had over 100,000 offerings on various different subjects. It is humanly impossible to sift through so many courses, let alone review them.
So, how do you find the top or the best Udemy courses?
Since I am always looking out for good programs, I devised a unique method to find out the best courses on Udemy. Let me share this method with you.
I would suggest you to buy a few good courses as aquiring new knowledge is the best form of investment. You can buy these at a very cheap price but their value far exceeds their cost. After reading this post, you will be able to find some excellent courses.
How To Buy Top Udemy Courses At Deep Discount?
Udemy keeps on running limited period promotions, wherein lifelong access to all their offerings is available for as little as $9.99. To avail the current offer:
- First go to Udemy’s Homepage.
- Search for the courses (as per the guidelines of this article) of your choice.
- Shortlist the ones you would like to buy and add them to the cart.
- Finally buy your chosen courses.
You can look at Top Project Management Offerings for my recommendations on PM programs.
Don’t wait when the promotion is going on! You can buy as many as you want. Your courses will never expire. You will get lifelong access.
3 Steps To Find The Best Udemy Courses
So how do you find best Udemy courses on Beauty & Makeup or Dance or Self Defense or Wildlife Photography or something else? I am, not for a moment, suggesting that I have expertise in any of these subjects. In fact, on the contrary, I have no knowledge on these subjects. I am not the right person to suggest you anything about these subjects.
Don’t get me wrong. All of us have our own expertise. I can definitely recommend something on project management and few other subjects. But, I cannot possibly review programs on an alien subjects like Vocal Music. It would be unfair on my part to talk about Vocal Music as I do not any have expertise on it.
On the contrary, I have developed a good expertise on Udemy platform. I can tell you my unique method to find the best Udemy courses on any subject. It is quiet easy – you just need to spare a few minutes.
Step I – Browse
Go to Udemy Homepage. You can browse various categories and sub-categories. E.g. if I wanted to learn Russian, I can browse and then click on the Language->Russian. Refer to the following figure.

Russian Language is a very small sub-category. You can find all the listings (free & paid) on a single page. You can further shortlist the courses by choosing options available on left side. It is very easy to choose the best Udemy course for learning Russian. Refer to the following figure.

Let us look at a broader sub-category Personal Development->Productivity. Once you click on it you can will find a list of ‘Featured’ and ‘All Courses’. The next step is to shortlist a few good ones from this list for the final review (Step III).

‘Featured’ list – You can start with shortlisting ‘Top Student Pick’ and ‘Editor’s Pick’
‘All Courses’ – You should look at the title of the course to ensure that it caters to your need. You can also look at the number of hours of video, but it is not as important. Some instructors provide extra documents and presentation that make up for the less amount of video. On the other hand, some instructors just meander for too long to make large videos, but the content is boring & repetitive. Ultimately, shortlist only those programs that have good ratings and have been rated by a large number of students.
Step II – Search
Sometimes the subject of your choice could be very specific and it is not available as a sub-category. In such a case, you should search the platform for your desired topic. E.g. if you wanted to learn about ‘Stock Trading’, Searching is a better option than Browsing. If you Browse and go to Business->Finance, you would find many programs on related subjects like accounting, personal finance, forex, and investments. Since you are looking for specific programs on ‘Stock Trading’, it is better to search.

As before, the next step is to shortlist a few courses, that have good ratings and have been rated by a large number of students.
Step III – Review Shortlisted Courses
Now that you have shortlisted a few good ones, you should open them in separate windows. You should critically review each one of them to find the best courses on Udemy. It will take only a few minutes to do so. You can use the following list of parameters for review and comparison.

7 Parameters For Review And Comparison
- Number of students enrolled
- Number of students who have rated
- Rating
- Instructor’s Bio
- Curriculum
- Quality of Sample Videos
- Written Reviews
Why Should You Invest In Udemy?
Udemy comes out with sales and promotional offers practically every month. You can buy excellent programs for as low as 10 USD or equivalent amount in your local currency.
However, price should not the main reason to buy anything. There are many more reasons. With every purchase, you get unlimited lifetime access and 30 day money back guarantee. To understand the complete value of the platform, you can read 11 Reasons To Invest In Udemy.
Final Words
Udemy has published thousands of courses. And everyday new programs are introduced. Not all of them are equal. So you must be careful and choose only the good ones. Sometimes you may go wrong and buy a poor quality program. But don’t worry too much about it. If you don’t like your purchase, you can always ask for a refund within 30 days. But, I have never asked for a refund. Even poorly designed programs provide some value and $10 does not hurt the pocket.
[pullquote align=”normal”]Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Start learning something new today. Go to Udemy Homepage now.
Disclosure: I have not received any compensation (in cash or kind) from Udemy or the program authors or anyone else associated with the portal. But this article contains affiliate links – it means that I will receive a small commission if you click & buy. This commission helps me in maintaining this blog for free. However, you don’t pay anything extra. I have personally bought a few programs and I have learned a lot from them. I recommend only those products that I believe will definitely help the blog readers.
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