5 Steps That Define PMBOK Guide’s Project Risk Management Process

5 Steps That Define PMBOK Guide’s Project Risk Management Process

What is PMBOK Guide’s Project Risk Management Process? Nothing | Zilch | Nada | Zero That’s impossible! PMBOK Guide contains globally recognized Standard for Project Management. Surely the Guide would define a Project Risk Management Process. Let me state something that belies common wisdom. PMBOK Guide does not define a Project Risk Management Process. Before…

“Change” is Not Evil!

“Change” is Not Evil!

10 Steps For Effective Change Management Benjamin Disraeli would have made a great Project Manager. He was a British Prime Minister, parliamentarian and a Conservative statesman. He served in government for three decades, twice as Prime Minister. A famous quote is attributed to him Change is inevitable, change is constant. Benjamin Disraeli This is very…

8 ways to meet budget in Fixed Price Projects

8 ways to meet budget in Fixed Price Projects

I write 2 blogs. One is the current blog on project management while the other is blog on completely unrelated subject – Cricket: http://fifth-umpire.blogspot.com/ Why am I mentioning my Cricket blog here? The word ‘Fix‘ is a dreaded word both in cricket and project management. Match fixing is a bane in cricket. One always gets…